Jan 25, 2017 | Article, Artificial Intelligence, Channel, Digital Transformation, Security, Trends
Just how committed are European SMEs to eco-sustainability in the workplace? What challenges and barriers do SMEs face when implementing the necessary changes and introducing more cost efficient eco-technology? The fact is only 42% of SMEs are addressing workplace...
Jan 16, 2017 | Channel, Digital Transformation, Research, Security, Trends
The far-reaching financial, legal and reputational implications of a data loss mean that information security is a business imperative. Safeguarding the ever-increasing volumes of valuable corporate data against unauthorised access has become integral to maintaining...
Dec 12, 2016 | Article, Channel, Digital Transformation, Security, Trends
On 7th December 2016, Xerox held an Investor Conference to outline its business strategy and long-term financial model as a standalone company. It expects the separation of the two companies – Xerox Corporation and Conduent – to be completed on 31st December of this...
Dec 2, 2016 | Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, Research, Security, Trends
Although SMEs form the backbone of most economies, they have been slow to embrace environmental measures. By embedding sustainability in their business practices, SMEs can minimise the environmental impact of their operations for solid financial and commercial reasons...
Nov 28, 2016 | Article, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, Trends
Is business gamification a fad or can it improve employee engagement, boost productivity and increase operational performance? While businesses are rapidly investing in digital technologies to accelerate digital transformation initiatives, implementing a...
Nov 2, 2016 | Article, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, Trends
Does blockchain technology hold promise for print manufacturers in the IoT world? The Internet of Things (IoT) is a world of connected devices embedded with software and network connectivity, that encompasses everything from thermostats, through to wearable devices...