4 ways MPS providers can seize the digitisation opportunity
June 15, 2023
Managed Print Services, Digital Transformation, Future of work, Research, Article, Trends
Digitisation has been in progress for many years, but the pandemic acted as a catalyst and accelerator. Even the most paper-reliant organisations understood that digitisation was the key to greater efficiency and resilience in the face of disruption. And, when business data can be easily collated and analysed, companies can unlock insights that deliver competitive advantage.
Quocirca’s MPS and Digitisation Report finds that 61% of surveyed IT decision makers have accelerated their efforts to digitise paper-based processes, with this figure rising to 74% among respondents from the US. The main motivations are cost efficiency and sustainability, as businesses seek to respond to ESG reporting requirements and control costs in a challenging economic environment.
The resulting opportunity sits squarely in the domain of managed print service (MPS) providers, and there is good evidence that they are already helping businesses transform. Over two thirds (69%) of organisations using MPS are accelerating their digitisation plans compared to 40% amongst those not using MPS. Almost two thirds (65%) of IT decision makers say it is extremely or very important that their print supplier can deliver business process automation.
Therefore, given the scale of the opportunity, how can MPS providers ensure they make the most of the drive to digitise?
- Think broad: re-defining the paper and digital boundaries
Successful digital transformation extends beyond simply digitising paper documents and paper-intensive processes such as invoicing. This is a vital starting point, of course. The use of scanning and capture technologies increases operational efficiency, reduces storage costs, and enables rapid access to timely and relevant information.
A mature approach must broaden out from digitising paper, however, to the optimisation of information management through business process automation. This may require the complete re-engineering of a process through the leveraging of workflow automation technologies and platforms. Automating information-intensive processes enables organisations to realise valuable wider benefits such as improved collaboration and an enhanced customer experience.
- Target the less-paper, not paperless workplace
Accelerating digital transformation initiatives does not inevitably mean the elimination of paper. While 46% of those who are speeding up digitisation initiatives think their print volumes will drop by 2025, 38% expect an increase. MPS providers should ensure they understand the direction of travel among their customers and align solutions closely to business models.
- Be clear on sustainability messaging
Sustainability assessments should form a key part of MPS engagements, helping organisations quantify the environmental impact of switching from paper to digital solutions. They should also articulate the benefits of rationalising the print estate and deploying devices using recycled and/or remanufactured components.
- Use digitisation as a springboard to broader service provision
MPS is an established approach to reducing the cost, complexity and risk associated with an unmanaged print infrastructure. Extending the offering to encompass broader information management and business and workflow automation offerings, including software and services, is already enabling MPS providers to deliver positive business outcomes for clients.
By developing proprietary technology and strategic partnerships, providers offer solutions and services that cover most areas of digital transformation – document capture, processing, workflow integration and automation, content management, and customer communications. By adding consultancy and analytics into the mix, MPS providers can take the next steps in supporting customers on their digitisation journey.
Learn more about the digitisation opportunity for MPS providers in Quocirca’s latest report.
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