Channels To Managed Print Services, 2018
April 23, 2018
Channel, Managed Print Services, Digital Transformation, Research, Trends
Managed print services (MPS) are an untapped opportunity for channel organisations to extend their influence within small and mid-sized business market (SMB) where MPS can help improve productivity and efficiency and reduce costs. MPS adoption in the SMB market remains relatively low, compared to the enterprise market. While leading channel organisations have invested in the resources, expertise and infrastructure required to offer and deliver MPS, others have yet to make the leap. Channel organisations are relying on print manufacturers for support to make a successful transition to a MPS model, through eliminating the many of the barriers and pain points to adoption. In addition, as channel organisations are increasingly looking to suppliers that have broader IT services expertise, beyond just MPS – including digital transformation and security – to expand their offerings beyond print. This report provides an overview of channel MPS offerings in the European markets, drawing on Quocirca research conducted in 2017 amongst 320 channel organisations.
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